Showing up as your authentic self in the world

Dear Ms Anonymous,

How has self-concept month been for you? Did you start to unmask your self-confidence? Have you spent some time reimagining your body image? Are you starting to show up in the world as your authentic self?

Showing up as your authentic self in the world requires hard work learning about yourself as a person.

As we close out the month of May and digging deep into our self-concept, I wanted to take some time to talk about how you show up in the world. It’s so important to be authentic, because you my friend are an individual! The world deserves to get to know the real you!

I found 5 powerful quotes that I wanted to share with you about showing up authentically in the world. They are the perfect way to wrap up self-concept month!

Quotes using imagery

Best keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you can see the world.

George Bernard Shaw

I found this quote to be so powerful! First, I love imagery! When you think about yourself as the window through which you experience the world, and how the world experiences you… wow! So often we don’t even realize how the negativity inside of us really affects how we view the world. And we really don’t notice that when we start from a place of dishonesty, we attract the same thing. Be honest and pure in all that you do. Then, honest and pure things can come to you.

Shine with all you have. When someone tries to blow you out, just take their oxygen and burn brighter.

Katelyn S. Irons

Recently I had someone try to dim my light. She told me that I had shiny object syndrome. I was telling her how excited I was to be able to create different segments of Dear Ms Anonymous. My visions were so much brighter than being solely a blog. I had ideas for a YouTube channel, a magazine, and so much more. The idea that I had shiny object syndrome turned me off to wanting to work with her as my mentor. When I consulted God about working with this coach He affirmed my thoughts. The message I received in prayer was that I am the shiny object He’s trying to develop. Don’t let anyone tell you that your dreams are too big or bold. Take that comment and let it spark a bigger fire in you to prove them wrong.

Quotes about discovering your true self

We need to find the courage to say no to the things and people that are not serving us if we want to rediscover ourselves and live our lives with authenticity.

Barbara de Angelis

I’ve talked about this quite a bit in other posts. The idea of releasing what doesn’t serve you! It really is so important that we do not hold on to the things, and people, that do not help us grow, thrive, and shine! I’m not saying to necessarily cut them out of your life, but to realize that you don’t have to take everything they say as law. You want to dig deep and figure out who you are and who you want to be in order to live your authentic life. It’s okay to say no, I’m not interested, so that you can become your best self, without the influence of others that aren’t benefiting you.

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.

C. G. Jung

Wow! If you are alive, it is your privilege, and your duty to become your authentic self. You have to do the hard work to uncover, undo, and take apart the pieces of yourself that were learned, or that you became, due to trauma. When you spend time thinking about your goals and dreams, you get to create the person you want to become. You get to define what is authentic to you, and show up in the world in that way.

My favorite authentic self quote

Authenticity is everything! You have to wake up everyday and look in the mirror, and you want to be proud of the person who’s looking back at you. And you can only do that if you’re being honest with yourself and being a person of high character. You have an opportunity every single day to write that story of your life.

Aaron Rodgers

I didn’t expect my favorite quote about showing up as my authentic self would be by a football player.

This quote actually says everything a person needs to know about showing up in an authentic way in the world. First of all, the only person you stand to be judged by daily should be yourself. And every day you have an opportunity to be a better version of the person you were yesterday.

Being honest with yourself requires that you know what your own standards are. You know when you are wearing a mask and not showing up as your true self. But, you also know that you can take the mask off, be vulnerable around the people you care about and who care about you.

When you take a long hard look at who you are as a person, how you feel about yourself, and how you show up in the world, it’s up to you to figure out if and where there’s room for improvement. We do have a choice in the matter. Some days we may feel like we don’t have anything to give to the world, and that’s okay. Self-preservation is a real and honest thing. But when you’re ready to make massive change in your life, you have to start by going inside yourself. Deciding is this the person I want to be, and if not, choose to change. Only you can decide what being authentic feels like to you.

Showing up in the world as your authentic self

The world doesn’t need another imitation, or fake. What we do need is you!

Sometimes I struggle with the concept of authenticity. If I show up as the best version of myself every day, is that being truly authentic?

My goal is to show up as the best version of myself, every single day. Some days I fall short – my temper gets the best of me, I shut down and don’t communicate very well, or I just let people walk over me. But, I recover from that. I don’t allow that to be my story.

My story is that I’m progressing into the person that I want to be. I’m working hard every day to show up in the world authentically. And that’s all I can do every single day.

With love,

P.S. – Are you struggling with being your authentic self? Perhaps you would benefit from taking my course The Journey to Self Discovery. Check it out!

5 powerful quotes about showing up authentically in the world
Top 3 inspiring quotes about showing up in the world authentically

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  1. Pingback: Uncovering your self-image - Dear Ms Anonymous

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