Stepping into the power of your self-worth

Dear Ms Anonymous,

Have you ever read a book that felt like divine intervention for your life? Did you ever need a message so badly that God would speak through someone else’s story right into your life?

Learn to step confidently into your self-worth, because you're worth it!

I started writing this self-concept series long before the Coronavirus became a part of our lives that we couldn’t escape. Now more than ever, woman are trying to figure out who they are, as they step into different roles, and have more time to think about their identity.

Today we’re going to dig into self-worth. We have to talk about self-worth because I see so many women who don’t think they are valuable because they aren’t making millions of dollars. They aren’t famous on Instagram. Their stories aren’t being shared with the masses.

I need to tell you today that none of that matters. Your self-worth isn’t tied to any of that. Only you can define your worth! It’s about fundamentally believing in who you are. You get it SELF-WORTH. It has nothing to do with external validation. Believe me, it’s a lesson that I’m working to learn myself.

More Than Enough – a message and a book

We allow our fears to control the way we see ourselves, and in turn we don’t allow ourselves to truly shine. Shining is not for everyone else – we shine for us! We shine so that we know that we are enough. When we allow ourselves to shine, our true light comes through! And that’s when we can truly impact the world.

I was standing in Target with my husband Chris on a cold day in February. We were getting ready to leave and the display of Black History month writers was staring me down. So, naturally, I walked over to it. I’m attracted to books… I’m a huge nerd, I love to read.

This book, More Than Enough, by Elaine Welteroth, was begging me to pick it up. The title itself is an inspirational message. The subtitle explained why I needed to read it – Claiming space for who you are (no matter what they say).

It was a message from God that I needed this book about self-worth in my life. And also that I needed to share the nuggets of inspiration with you all. So, here they are, with my assessment about why you need these powerful self-worth messages, today and forever.

5 Self-Worth Messages to Help You Claim Your Power

  1. When the world tells you to shrink, expand. Wow! How many times have you entered a room and felt your self-confidence shrink immediately? Have you ever had someone tell you that you’re being “too loud”, “too much”… yeah, me too. Know that you are just enough… and in fact, be a little bit louder. The world needs your message today! Stand up tall, and put yourself out there. You’re worth it!
  2. The universe is calling you to be a little bit braver right now. Well, ain’t that the truth. You have ideas that no one knows about, but you’re too scared to go after them. It’s time for you to put the fear down, and step into your power. You are meant to do big, brave things. So, get started.
  3. When the music changes, so must your dance. We get into a rhythm and stay there. Let’s challenge ourselves to stop being so comfortable, and start being different. Sometimes we have to pivot in a different direction, learn a new dance move, hustle ourselves into our next position. Just don’t stop moving. Two step your way right into your future.
  4. It’s not a bad thing to be ambitious, but you must establish healthy habits in order to be truly successful. So often we get on the grind, but forget that we can’t hustle without the flow. The flow is letting your mind rejuvenate so it can create new ideas. Step away, do something else for a while! Take care of your body, so you can keep pushing forward towards your dreams.
  5. Exist to create moments of awakening. This one blew my mind! How many of us are just existing? We allow life to take control of us, instead of the other way around. It’s time for us to wake up and step into our power. And create those moments where you’re like “Wow, I made that happen!” That’s when you wake yourself up and know that you were meant to create so much more on this Earth.

5 Inspiring Self-Worth Messages to Step into Your Future

  1. God has a greater plan even for the things we cannot understand. This is something that I’ve learned big time in the past few years. God will send me down a path, or give me an idea that I have no idea why. Do you remember my story about becoming a foster parent? The same spark started this blog – an idea that turned into an actual thing, because of a vision that God gave me. I have no clue where it’s going to take me, but I’m enjoying the ride.
  2. Discovering what you don’t want is just as important as finding out what you do. So many of us are afraid to step out in faith and try something new. We are afraid of failure. But how will you ever know success if you don’t find the things that you don’t enjoy? There could be a project out there that you would love, but you’re not sure about it until you give it a try. I started college as a Computer Science major. I hated almost every minute of it. But more than a decade later, I’m using my tech knowledge to setup a blog. I learned that I didn’t want to work on programming full time. But I can appreciate that knowing how to do some of it can help me get my writing out there.
  3. Life transitions are our biggest opportunities for growth. They push us to become the fierce heroes of our own stories. They pull us into new territories and ask us to become bigger, braver versions of ourselves. When I moved to North Carolina I had no idea how much growth I would experience. I had to learn to live on my own, find a new job, friends, and just learn to exist outside of my comfort zone. I have grown in so many ways that I hardly recognize myself. If I had stayed in Brooklyn where I grew up, where I was comfortable, I would probably not have become a homeowner, working on starting my own business, and creating a life I love. Choose to see transitions as an opportunity to become bigger and braver!
  4. Our job is to keep on dreaming and trusting enough to put one foot in front of the other. To keep moving forward. To keep pushing beyond whatever feels confiningsearching for where the magic is. To continue expanding, staying open to being stretched. And allowing room to be completely awed by how much better it gets along the way. Yes, Elaine, preach! Doesn’t that statement just empower you? Stop allowing fear to prevent you from moving forward, from being stretched. Yes, it will be uncomfortable, but so is being the same person for the rest of your life. When you push yourself to do things you never thought you would do, your light begins to shine brighter. And when that happens, you are able to pour into the people around you. They need your love, guidance and support. The world needs you!
  5. When your dreams are bigger than the places you find yourself in, you need to seek out reminders that there is more. And there is always more waiting for you on the other side of fear. If you’re sitting in a place right now and thinking, “I’m not ready” or “I’m not enough” or “Who would want to know what I have to say” – now’s the time to take a leap! That’s fear trying to hold you back. The truth is that you are braver than you ever imagined. You can do great things. You’ve done great things before … and it’s time to stand tall, and do great things again. Don’t hold back. Choose to see your self-worth. Because the truth is, you’re worth everything that you want. And the people around you need exactly what you have to give.

You need this book in your life

Elaine, thank you for this book filled with positive messages, stories about your dreams to become the editor of a health and beauty magazine, and your rise to the top of Condé Nast!

Ladies, if you’re looking for an inspiring, funny, well-written, true life story about passion and determination, order this book today. You will feel inspired, powerful, worthy of more, and ready for action. This is a book that will dismantle all of your beliefs about not being good enough, smart enough, whatever enough. Elaine and I want to remind you that, you are More Than Enough!

With love,

P.S. – If you read the book and loved it, let me know in the comments! Or, order it today, read it and come back and let me know your most inspiring messages!

10 powerfully inspiring self-worth messages from Elaine Welteroth's book More Than Enough
5 inspiring messages that you need right now from Elaine Welteroth’s book More Than Enough

2 thoughts on “Stepping into the power of your self-worth”

  1. robynsnest1970

    The one about establishing healthy habits to be successful is so true. As a new blogger, I keep reading about publishing multiple posts a week and/or on a schedule. What I quickly realized though was that I would never be able to be successful writing on demand; it would be well written but it would not have any life to it. Instead, I make myself step away Saturday afternoon or evening and all day Sunday. That time away gives room for inspiration and motivation to return and it does. It is only then that I can truly create authentic content.

    1. I hear you! I cannot create quality posts on demand! I’ve had to write and schedule my posts a month ahead of time in order to sustain my 2x a week posts so far! And I agree with taking time away for inspiration and motivation… that’s how my creativity flows!

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