Turning your spark into your success

Dear Ms Anonymous,

Do you have a certain spark inside of you that every so often starts a raging fire? Is there something that you are so passionate about that you can’t stop talking about once you start? It’s time for you to turn your spark into your success!

Our spark makes us unique, and we should use it to get to the success we dream.

I was recently reading an article from InStyle magazine featuring Alex Borstein. I’m sure you know exactly who I’m talking about. Ms. Borstein stars in the popular The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. She has made quite a name for herself by being “spirited and admirably spunky”… and she actually plays the same role on her show.

While Alex has had numerous roles before landing Mrs. Maisel, that is the role where she received significant critical acclaim and won two Primetime Emmy Awards. In the article, Alex explains that she gets to play “a tough, driven woman who at once craves and fears success.”

Isn’t that the story that most of us have going on in our lives right now? We want to accomplish all of our dreams and goals, but we are terrified of the process, and what happens when we actually get there!

Using your spark

Growing up Alex learned that she could not just rely on her beauty as a woman to get her by. Her grandmother taught her that she needed to use her voice, and create her own opportunities.

Sadly, growing up I definitely didn’t receive the same message. In my household, the adults were the ones who had a say in everything, and the children had to be quiet and do as they were told. I don’t recall voicing too many opinions for fear that I would get my parents angry.

As a grown adult, I still sometimes have trouble voicing my opinions to them. It’s so hard to get out from under the control of the people you love, and fear the most. But that’s exactly why you need to do it.

Who have you allowed to control you in your life? Do you feel like you will never be able to get out from under it? Are you ready to start controlling your own life?

It’s time for us as women to start using our voice and our spark. When we shrink to conform to what the world expects of us, we show the world that they have control and power over us.

I realized not too long ago that if I didn’t allow my spark to ignite my passion, that I would slowly die inside. I mean, not physically, but emotionally, mentally. I could feel myself withering away because I was trying to hide, shrink, or be who everyone else expected me to be.

Step out of line

Alex urges women to step out of line, to make noise, and to demand things for ourselves because no one is going to give them to us. Wow, talk about a call to action!

It’s funny how we look around and see all of the successful women out there, and say… “I wish that were me”. But then we just go about our days, not really doing anything to get to that successful place. Or maybe we do work to seek success, but then when things get hard, we give up!

Success requires that we push forward day after day, failure after failure. Because if we want success, we need to use the gifts and talents that are uniquely ours, and give them to the world in ways that feel authentic to us.

We are not all going to have a million Instagram followers, or have our faces featured in magazines. Success doesn’t have to look like that.

Success looks like going after your dreams and desires. It looks like hard work and late nights. Success is knowing that you have to work for what you accomplish, because that’s the only way to get what you want!

Are you ready to use your spark to get to success?

If the answer is yes, then come on over to my Dream It, Achieve It program! Where we can take your sparks, and ideas, and create the reality of your dreams!

What is my spark?

A lot of women reading this already know what their spark is. They have a vision for their lives. And maybe they even know how to get to where they want to go.

But you might be reading this right now and start wondering – what is my spark? Maybe you had big dreams for your life that got sidetracked because of an unforeseen circumstance. Perhaps you have a spark, but don’t know how best to use it to impact the world in the way that you want.

That’s where I come in! I just created a course that can help you with all of that. Because that’s how I can authentically use my spark! The course is The Journey to Self-Discovery, and it’s waiting for you to enroll right now! In 6 modules you can learn to redefine the woman in you, create some goals, and outline the action steps to get you to where you want to be in your life.

If you are interested in the course, but not sure if you’re ready to proceed, e-mail me so we can set up a time to chat. I’m here to answer your questions and help you figure out if the course is for you.

My mission is to create a world where women learn to use their voice to create massive change in their lives! Do you need my help? I’ll be your guide.

With love,

P.S. – Choose today to step out of line, make noise, and demand what you want for yourself. Make the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel proud.

Why you should use your spark to achieve the success you want

7 thoughts on “Turning your spark into your success”

  1. I really enjoyed this article, Cynthia! Totally agree that not only do we fear failure, or not living up to some expectation that we have for ourselves but we also fear success. What happens if everything goes well and we now have all these eyes watching and critiquing us? That can be terrifying. Agreed that it’s so helpful to have someone to talk through that with you and help you keep going. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for reading Jen! Fear is such a powerful thing that holds people back! And even when we do have success, we fear the repercussions! It’s definitely time to step away from fear, in every area of life!

    1. Thanks! That is so true, if we don’t put ourselves out there then we will never be able to share ourselves with the world. And the world needs us!

    1. Thanks for stopping by to read this post! I think it’s inspiring to learn about other women who use their spark/quirks to make a name for themselves!

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