The Journey to Self-Discovery Course

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Dear Ms Anonymous,

Have you heard about my new course: The Journey to Self-Discovery?

If you haven’t, I’m telling you about it right now! Because I created it just for you! Yes, you!

The Journey to Self-Discovery Course now enrolling online!

Why you need this course!

You see, there are so many of us women out there who need some guidance, a little help, or maybe even a big push! We are so focused on everyone else’s needs that we put ourselves on the back burner, every single time. But that’s not where we belong!

Do you realize that the goals and dreams you have for yourself are just as important as your day job? Why should you continue to help someone else’s dreams come true, while yours don’t even get the time of day?

Ladies! We need to start treating ourselves as a priority! And you should start with the Journey to Self-Discovery course.

This course is going to take you through 6 modules – starting from where you are now, and leading you to who you want to become. You’ll learn valuable tools and strategies to help you figure out what your goals are, and how to accomplish them! Why not spend some time working on yourself? You deserve it!

What’s inside this course?

Here are some of the contents inside the 6 Modules and what you will learn through taking the course:

Module 1 – We will talk about your current self-definition! Because honestly, how can you get to who you want to be, if you don’t even know who you are right now? You’ll even think about the ways that other people define you – and if those are definitions you want to keep or release! You will have the opportunity to come face-to-face with the issues you are experiencing, and the limiting beliefs that are taking hold of your life.

Module 2 – We will start defining who you want to be, and you will decide what your end goal is – who you want to be when you get through the course. Or at least who you want to be on your way to becoming, because honestly, transformations take a long time! But transformations can’t happen without a vision for your future, and knowing how to overcome what happened in your past!

Module 3 – We will go through the process of goal setting. You will define your goal, figure out why you want to achieve that, and what action steps you need to take in order to get there. This is how you will begin to write your new chapter! Because I believe that’s what you want – you are ready to start over – you need a new chapter!

And there’s more…

Module 4 – We will talk about your mindset and the role it plays in achieving your goals. You will learn to implement my Identify, Challenge, Change Strategy in all areas of your life. Your homework will be to spend some quiet time learning the truth about yourself, and managing your thoughts and feelings. You will learn about growing self-confidence through having a growth mindset.

Module 5 – We will shift from focusing on your flaws, to focusing on your strengths. You will learn the value of affirmations in your daily life, and how to speak your truth out loud. Your challenge will be to do things that scare you, or help you grow out of your current shell. And you will figure out how you want to show up in the world, starting right now.

Module 6 – And finally, you will create a strategy for your success, and achieving the goal that you set out in Module 3. We will cover getting over imposter syndrome and how to take a leap of faith in order to make big life changes. You will learn how to move forward on your journey, including what to do if/when you have a setback.

The course is open for enrollment!

The 6 Modules together will inspire you to begin taking massive action in your life. The course is designed to get you from who are you, to who you want to become. Each module has resources for continued learning and motivation. You will gain self-confidence in every module of the course – through the workbook exercises and challenging yourself to grow.

Are you ready to embark on the Journey to Self-Discovery? I’ll be right by your side as your guide!

Together we can move confidently through feeling unseen, unheard, and anonymous in our daily lives. There’s no better time to start showing up in the world in a bigger way. All you need to do is say yes.

With love,

P.S. – Grab a girlfriend … she may be ready to go on the same journey. Let’s do this together.