Redefining Me – Goal-Setter

Dear Ms Anonymous,

Happy New Word Wednesday!! #newwordwednesday

We are officially over a month and a half into the new year! How are you feeling about your resolutions and goals for this year? Are you feeling accomplished so far, or have you already put your resolutions to the side?

Redefining myself as a goal setter who is driven, bold and proactive. When setting goals consider all areas of your life where you can make changes and work towards becoming your best self.

My next three words

When I sat down to think about the next three words that I’m using in 2020 to redefine myself, I noticed that they were all about goal setting. And much more than goal setting, but goal getting!! (I know, I should say achieving, but I like the alliteration better!)

Staying driven (goal word #1)

I can honestly say that I’ve always been a driven person. Any time I set my mind out to achieve something, 90% of the time I accomplish it. Especially if it’s a goal that I set myself – not one that someone else set for me.

You are in control of your motivation to reach your goals. Do the work. Hustle, research, figure it out and then surge straight towards your target!

If I spend time dreaming up what I want to do, and how to do it, I’m going to put my thoughts into action. I’m not just going to sit there and see if maybe the universe will align in a way that it will fall into my lap. No, I’m going to hustle, and research, and figure out what steps I have to take, and then I’m going to surge full speed ahead towards my target.

And isn’t that exactly what the definition of driven means!?! Relentlessly compelled by the need to accomplish a goal, very hard-working and ambitious. Yes my friends, I can say that I’m driven.  

Do you have goals you want to accomplish? Then, join my Dream It, Achieve It program! I’ll help you take your dreams and turn them into reality!

So, what are some goals I set for 2020?

Days before the new year, I sat down with a sheet of white paper and pen, to decide how I wanted to structure my year. I wanted to be more intentional throughout 2020, and I decided in order to do that I had to set daily, weekly, and monthly goals in these areas of my life: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, personal and finance.

Being more proactive (goal word #2)

When thinking about my goals, I wanted to be more mindful to cause things to happen, rather than responding to situations after they happen.

…in my finances

I thought about my finances, and how I wanted to manage them in 2020. Then, I decided that I needed to be more proactive in my money management. I wanted to start asking myself “do I need this” before making any purchases. That led me to changing my mindset about my consumption of things. I decided that I would have “NOPES” January – No Purchasing Extra Stuff. I even got a few of the ladies at work to attempt it with me!

NOPES January really has helped me cut back on buying excess, especially in places like Target and Old Navy (2 of my favorite stores!). Even when I go into Target with a list of things to buy, I end up spending an extra $50+ on things that I didn’t need. Do you have that problem too? When you decide to consider what you’re purchasing and why, you can really get a handle on your finances.

I can proudly say that in January I spent a whopping $4.26 at Old Navy! I figured out a great way to make the system work for me was to wait for cardholder exclusive deals like $20 off $50. Then use my rewards to get even better savings! I ended up leaving the store with 1 pair of pants and 6 shirts! When you really try, you can find ways to get what you like, at a bargain price!

…and in my physical appearance

Another area of my life that I needed to be more proactive was my physical appearance. So I set a few goals in that area. The first was that I was going to start caring more about how I looked if I was leaving the house. That means, no more baggy sweats, or ill-fitting leggings. No, it takes just as much effort to throw on skinny jeans, as it does sweats. And I could swap my baggy sweatshirt for a cute fitted one from Old Navy that would be just as warm.

Also, I have struggled with acne since I was a teenager. And for a brief period in my life I had clear skin. I loved having clear skin. Finally, in my 30s I had felt like I had escaped the plague of constant pimples appearing all over my face. And then the stress of my foster care journey brought me right back to my teenage face. So, I set a goal to develop a new nighttime routine.

I decided, no more could I complain about the way my face was filled with acne, if I wasn’t going to take care of it. I had to develop a routine that involved the whole Proactiv line. (No, this is not a sponsored post.)

I had been using Proactiv for years, off and on. So I knew it would be helpful to me. Plus I don’t have to think about individually purchasing all of the products I need. My kit arrives at my door, every 3 months, ready to use. I’m a few weeks in, and I can already tell the difference. (Thank God!.. and Proactiv.)

Becoming bold (goal word #3)

When I added the word bold to my list for 2020, I really didn’t know where it would take me. I dug into the definition – showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous; having a strong vivid appearance.

I have already showed my boldness by setting a goal to purchase a house in my early 30s – done. Having this house be located in a state where I didn’t have any connections, had no job lined up, and no real prospects of one – done. #Iscaremyselfsometimes

And anyone that knows me, can spot me out of a crowd because I’m usually the one wearing bright pink, or blue, or some other vibrant shade. I choose not to blend in when it comes to my clothing choices. #patterns #prints #brightcolors

…in my belief system

But for 2020, that didn’t seem new enough to be my definition of bold. I decided to set the goal of being bold in my belief system. I never really considered it, but I hold many limiting beliefs about myself. And it’s time to release them!

Growing up I believed that I had to follow my parents dream for my life – lawyer, doctor… yes, typical West Indian parents raised me. Even after taking the LSAT and applying to law school, and having all of that not produce great results, I felt like I still needed to stick with the plan. Enter, my career as a Legal Assistant. Obviously, not the same, but close enough to the law.

But the law doesn’t fulfill me, if I’m truly honest. I enjoy the work I do, and the people I work with, but it’s not my life’s passion. Just my life’s paycheck. I found nonprofit management to be a good challenge. Good enough to even get a Master’s in it, a degree I continue to pay for, but one that I’m not using it right now.

I need to stop settling for good enough. Do you find yourself settling for good enough? Why do we do that, when we can have greatness instead?

…releasing limiting beliefs

Last year my friend Annie had said that someday I would write a book. To which I responded, why would I do that? I have nothing to say!

But as I sit here and write post # 7, I know the truth. I have plenty to say… and this year, I’m going to let it all out!

We are all a work in progress. Continue to work on your goals.

What are the limiting beliefs that your new words are helping you to release this year? Feel free to e-mail me and together we can work on a plan to start releasing those limiting beliefs today!

Jump on a strategy session with me! I can’t wait to help you!

With love,

P.S. – Hey! Check out this TEDx Normal Talk on How to Change Your Limiting Beliefs for More Success by Dr. Irum Tahir