Redefining Me – Adventurous Blogger

Dear Ms Anonymous,

Do you ever go in search of inspiration… and then bam, there it is, seconds later? I love when that happens! I was looking for a quote about creativity, and not only did I stumble on a quote that describes me perfectly right now… but I also found an inspirational young woman who I’d like to introduce you to!

Her name is Morgan Harper Nichols – she’s a writer, artist and musician! Now that’s what I call a triple (artistic) threat! She creates art that is inspired by the stories of other people – you can submit your story on her website, then she creates a work of art inspired by what you send her. And she doesn’t stop there… she sends you the art… FOR FREE! WHAT!?! So fresh, so innovative, so inspirational. Check out her link below.

2 new words to describe myself…

Redefining Me - Adventurous Blogger

The new words I’m really digging into this week are “blogger” and “adventurous” as part of #redefiningme on #newwordwednesday.

Becoming a blogger

Just by starting this blog I feel like I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and being adventurous. But I’m not going to stop there. I’m going to commit to myself that for the next year, no matter what, that I will continue to spend time here writing to you all. And since you might be new here, and you may not be familiar with my story, I’ll let you in on a little secret – I’m not really a give up type of person! I’m a learn new things, push myself in directions no one else I know would dare to go, kind of girl! So I’ll be here, and I hope you will be too.

The start of great adventures

Honeymoon road trip adventures through New England.  Being adventurous and exploring Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor, Maine.
Honeymoon road trip adventures through New England. Exploring Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor, Maine. Standing up on a mountain (way higher than I’m comfortable) even though I’m afraid of heights.

A few years ago I would have had adventurous in my first set of 10 words. Eight years ago I decided on a whim that I would no longer live in the Big Apple… instead I was going to move to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere North Carolina, called Fuquay-Varina. (I know, it was a culture shock to me also, but I actually loved it!) The first few years of living in North Carolina we did a lot of exploring and getting to know what was around – I would call that adventurous.

Then in 2018, again out of the blue, I felt called to become a foster parent! So we went on that wild ride. After all the training and preparation, I finally got to try my hand at being a mom. That in and of itself is on a whole different level than what I would normally call “adventurous”.

Becoming more adventurous

But what about this year? How will I define my sense of adventure in 2020? Will it be through this blog? Will it be connecting with new people? Are we going to put our bucket list journal to use and start visiting new places? Am I going to start going to more places by myself? Is this the year I start saying yes to new opportunities, instead of always finding a reason to say no? Will I finally get back to swimming lessons, and stick it out long enough this time that I will become confident in the deep end?

I’m not sure what my new sense of adventure will entail, and honestly, I’m excited (and a little scared) to find out!

The best thing about the definition of adventurous is that it’s quite personal. To you it may be something completely different than it is to me. From where I stand right now, I can say that just by adding adventurous to my list of new words I am feeling stretched – I’m ready to see where the word takes me this year.

Redefining you…

Where are your new words taking you so far? Is your attitude shifting? Is the way that you look at yourself growing, in a positive direction? Are you feeling more confident in the woman you are becoming? Share your first 2 new words with me, and how they are changing your life!

With love,

P.S. – To learn more about Morgan Harper Nichols visit:

P.P.S. – If you’re interested in going on a journey of self-discovery, check out my program!

2 thoughts on “Redefining Me – Adventurous Blogger”

  1. Pingback: The Journey to Discover Your True Self - Dear Ms Anonymous

  2. Pingback: Redefining Me - The Call of an Advocate - Dear Ms Anonymous

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