Your purpose doesn’t have to be traditional

Dear Ms Anonymous,

Do you ever feel like your purpose has to fall into a traditional category, or otherwise it doesn’t count? Have you ever thought about taking a non-traditional route, but talked yourself out of it because of fear?

Your purpose doesn't have to be a traditional 9-5 career, if that's not your dream

This week I had the chance to talk to a friend of mine, Jen Franks Ahaghotu. Jen is one of the first women I met on my entrepreneurial journey about 4 months ago. She is the kind of woman that I want in my corner when I’m starting a new venture because she’s supportive and kind. She’s also knowledgeable and approachable!

From traditional to exceptional

In the interview for this post, I learned that Jen used to be a teacher and administrator for 15 years. She has a heart for serving kids, families and communities. When Jen decided to pivot her career, she left traditional teaching and started teaching in a different capacity.

Jen created an online business called the Course Creation Guide. She helps female coaches scale their business, spend less time, and make more money through the use of online courses.

Jen is celebrating her 1 year anniversary as a coach this month! Congratulations Jen! She says it’s been an amazing journey. Working with female entrepreneurs is empowering to her!

I completely agree! Working with female entrepreneurs is energizing! Women who want to make an impact in the lives of those around them in a way that is not the traditional 9-5 job. That’s passion AND purpose right there!

Why choose entrepreneurship

Some of the greatest reasons why women are now leaving the traditional paths to create online businesses is so that they can control their time, and income! Yes, there are women out there making an income of four and five figures each month, and definitely a lot more than that!

Jen teaches her clients to presell their online courses. Creating an income of $5k before the course is even fully developed! Starting with an idea, and then approaching people who need a course on that particular topic, and then creating the course around the needs of those people. Wow, that is life changing!

I would have never thought that you could presell something that wasn’t even created yet! If that’s not genius, I don’t know what is!

Jen has found that being an entrepreneur through the creation of online courses has given her so much freedom with her time. She’s able to go on 4 mile runs daily, take her kids to the pool, have conversations with other inspiring women entrepreneurs, and spend more quality time with her husband.

The freedom that an online course provides is that you only have to record it once, and then it can be sold to hundreds of people! And even more if this course is really in demand! It’s something that I use in my own business, and I am thinking about creating a few more for you ladies!

As an entrepreneur you don’t have to be tied to a traditional desk job. You can live your life on your own terms, and work as many hours as you choose.

Jen’s message to entrepreneurs is to build the lifestyle that you want! You don’t want to look back at your life and realize that you were in a job that you didn’t enjoy! And also, be okay with the idea of making money! It’s totally normal to be ambitious and talk about making money! Money is not a dirty word! Money makes the world go round, and provides you freedom to not be tied to a traditional paycheck!

Message to Ms Anonymous

When I see Jen, I see the picture of confidence! But, she actually opened up to me and expressed how much this blog resonated with her. There was a point in her life where she felt unseen, and unheard.

Jen decided to throw herself into the spotlight, even though she is a total introvert (just like I am). She confessed that she didn’t like public speaking (same here!)

But what she found is that she needed to do the things that scared her! And for her that was speaking. It was taking every opportunity to talk to people, and start conversations. Even through the discomfort. Jen’s funny – she says “you may suck or not feel comfortable, but keep doing it!”

She’s right! You may not be a natural at everything at first. But over time, you will get better at it. I was terrified of pushing the record button on my phone to post videos. But once I decided that I didn’t want that to be my story for the rest of my life, I issued myself an Instagram video challenge. And guess what… I did it! 17 days of videos. Back to back.

You have to create momentum before you can see change.

Someone once asked Jen would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

I think that is such a powerful question! Wow! And Jen’s answer was nothing short of exceptional. As a black person, a woman, and an introvert, she already felt invisible. Why would she want to continue being invisible?

Jen chooses to fly. Every day in her life she chooses to continue down this non-traditional path, and fly.

Today, I challenge you to step away from the traditional, and fly. Because you my friend are worthy of coming into the spotlight. You need to be seen. Your words need to be heard. And you deserve to no longer be Ms Anonymous.

Step into your confidence… and fly.

With love,

P.S. – If you’re ready to create your online course, contact Jen! She’s ready to guide you through the process!

Interview with Jen Franks Ahaghotu on Dear Ms Anonymous