Loving Yourself on Valentine’s Day!

Dear Ms Anonymous,

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I hope I am not the only person to wish you a happy Valentine’s Day today! But if I am, that’s perfectly okay!

Do you have any special plans for Valentine’s Day?

I hope that you plan to do something wonderful for yourself! If not today, then very soon.

A lot of women think that they need a boyfriend, a husband, or partner in order to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Well, besides those women who are brave enough to celebrate Galentine’s day! It’s a wonderful celebration of love, friendship, and hopefully dessert!!

Loving yourself on Valentine's Day means doing something just for you. Decide that you are just as important as your spouse, kids, and everyone else on your list.

This Valentine’s Day I challenge you to consider indulging in self-love and self-care. That is, doing something that you enjoy! Go ahead, light some candles, take a bubble bath, eat a meal that makes you happy, splurge on dessert, put on a pretty dress… and do all of that just for yourself!

Are you one of those women who sees something beautiful in a shop, and you don’t treat yourself to it? You make up some excuse about it being too expensive, too indulgent, or just plain old too much. You drop hints about it for months hoping that special someone will treat you to it. And when the special day comes, you don’t get it.

This Valentine’s Day, treat yo’ self… as the young people say!

Let’s dedicate March as self-care month!

Next month I’m going to dedicate a lot of time to working on self-care, and I hope you will also. As women we spend so much time taking care of others that we don’t have anything left to give to ourselves. Why do we do that? Is it because we take on so much that we get lost in the hundred tasks that we have to complete every day?

This Valentine's day refuel your tank by loving yourself first. You won't be able to take care of everyone else, unless you are taken care of.

What would happen if we set aside an hour every day to work on our passion projects, or to go take a walk in nature, just because that’s what we want to do? If we put our obligations to the side, will we start to feel more rejuvenated or more behind in getting everything done?

I think that we would use our available time differently, if we knew that we would get to refuel ourselves every day. If we started each day by filling our cup first, we would be happier to help fill the cups of the lives of those around us.

But how do we find the time?

Even if we couldn’t commit to carving out an hour every day, what if we had 30 minutes, or even 15 minutes dedicated to ourselves? If we committed a small amount of time to ourselves we would start to feel more whole, and much happier.

In March I’m going to bring you some ideas to help you carve more “me time” into your day. I’m going to help you understand how important it is that you fill your cup in order to find your true self. Until then, check out Good Housekeeping’s 45 Lab-Approved Ways to Create the Ultimate Self-Care Routine!

Together we will learn how building self-care into our day can help us become everything we aspire to be.

So tell me in the comments what nice thing you are going to do for yourself this Valentine’s Day?

Today, on February 14th, commit to loving yourself first, and seeing what happens from there!

With love,

P.S. – Just for fun buy yourself a bouquet of flowers, or a little box of chocolate. Go ahead – love yourself!

2 thoughts on “Loving Yourself on Valentine’s Day!”

  1. Pingback: March Into Self-Care... and that’s an order - Dear Ms Anonymous

  2. Pingback: Say "No!" - It's Self-Care, Not Selfish - Dear Ms Anonymous

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