A Letter to All of the Anonymous Women Out There

Dear Ms Anonymous,

Hey you! Yes, you… sitting over there in the corner, trying to be invisible. Listen, you’re not! You matter. What you have gone through matters. What you are currently going through matters. You have a voice, and something you want to say! You do not have to remain anonymous. So, go ahead… come out of the shadows, and go live your life out loud!

Whether you are single, married, a mother, or a daughter, I know that you have felt anonymous at some point in your life. I know I have. We have all spent too long in the shadows, waiting for someone to come and pull us out, or for our chance to share our thoughts and feelings. Someone else has taken credit for our hard work, because we are too afraid to show our hard work. We give our all to get little or nothing back in return.

Unbecoming Ms Anonymous

But, we don’t have to be that anonymous woman any longer. We can speak up! (Because our words have value!) We can take ownership! (Because we worked too hard to make something happen, not to!) We can be brave, and proud, and who we were meant to be, by living our lives out loud!!

To brave women everywhere, you no longer have to be Ms Anonymous. Go live your life out loud!

So, I’m sure you want to know… who is Ms Anonymous?

I think the better question is, who are you?

Dear Ms Anonymous: go use your voice
Dear Ms Anonymous – go use your voice!

This is your chance to rediscover, recreate, and rebrand yourself into the woman you want to be.

So here’s your first assignment!

Write down 10 words that you typically use to describe yourself. Then, write down 10 NEW (and different) words that you would like to start using to describe yourself!

Really sit with yourself and think about who it is you want to be. You want to come out from behind the shadows, and accomplish your dreams! So, take that first step!

For most of you living as Ms Anonymous out there this exercise is going to take some time. And for those of you who breeze through it, you are probably already living your life out loud. We’re going to need your help! Encourage us to be daring, to be unique, to step forward, to use our voices! We need your stories as proof that we can do this! We’re building a community of strong women here, and we need women who are already encouraged and motivated to push us into gear. So, stay right there. We need you now, and you might need us later. We’re here for each other.

Post your name puzzle featuring your 10 new words on Instagram and tag #dearmsanonymous #hereiam #livingmylifeoutloud

Every Wednesday for the next 4 weeks I will focus on one of the new words I am using to describe myself! #newwordwednesday I challenge you to post a picture of how you are living up to your new words, or write about how your new words are changing your life that week. #redefiningme #2020me #whoami #whodoIwanttobe

Incentive challenge – if you post every Wednesday for 10 weeks about how your new words are changing your life, I’ll feature your #2020me story right here on this Blog!

With love,
