Redefining Me – Choosing New Words

Dear Ms Anonymous,

Last week I issued you an assignment to think about 10 new words that you will start using to describe yourself, and then use those to make a name puzzle. Did you really take the time to think it over, then put pen to paper and work on it? I did. Head on over to Instagram, mine is posted #newwordwednesday #dearmsanonymous #hereiam #redefiningme #livingmylifeoutloud

If you haven’t done it yet, print out this grid and get started, RIGHT NOW!

Choose new words to define yourself in order to live your life out loud

So, let’s talk about my words…

When I thought about the old words I typically used to describe myself, there were so many obvious ones I wrote down: woman, black, wife. Then there were the words that described my positions in life: legal assistant (my job), foster parent (another role I play). Five words in and I still haven’t gotten to the ones that described me, personally. I guess I saved those for the last five: generous, creative, dancer, thoughtful, and hard-working. Those 10 were not hard to come up with. They are words (or phrases) that I use frequently, they are what I know about the core of my being.

The new choices that I came up with took a little bit more time to generate. They stretch me enough so that I will try new things, but not so much that I become a completely different person!

  1. Blogger
  2. Adventurous
  3. Advocate
  4. Motivator
  5. Driven
  6. Bold
  7. Proactive
  8. Faith-filled
  9. Honest
  10. Strong

Over the course of the next 4 weeks, I’m really going to dig deep about why I chose these words, what impact they are having on my life, how I’m living up to the words I chose, and how I’m stretching who I used to be, in order to become the person I want to be, starting today. #redefiningme

Start today to choose new words to describe yourself. The clock is ticking to get into action! Do the work now, it'll pay off in the long run!

So, what are your new words saying about you? Who are you becoming? I can’t wait to read all about the new you!

With love,

P.S. – The sad and unfortunate news about Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi struck the world just a few days ago. Kobe referred to himself as the Black Mamba, and lived up to it every single day. His hard work and dedication made him a true talent and inspiration to the world. The world lost a great one. RIP.