Self Discovery


Let me help you redefine your identity, find your voice, and release your fears, so you can go after your big dreams today!

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Dear Ms Anonymous,

Do you feel like you spend all of your time filling up your family's cup?

At the end of the day, you don't even have time or energy to fill yourself back up.

You give and give to those around you, but you aren't at the top of your priority list.

What happened to the dreams and passions that once burned inside of you?

Aren't you ready to discover yourself again?

It's time for you to turn inward, and remind yourself of everything you loved before you started prioritizing everyone's needs before your own. You deserve to figure out who you are, so that you can get back to being at the top of your list.

You can't pour from an empty cup.

So, gift yourself 3 months to replenish your desires, and refill your dreams.

Start to imagine the woman that you want to become at the end of those 3 month, and how showing up as that woman will completely change your life.

It's time for you to set some new goals, focus on your strengths, grow your self-confidence, and remember that you can have the life you've always dreamed of…

If you begin to take control of your own life today. Because your future is in your hands.

In the Journey to Self-Discovery program you will rediscover the most important person in your life... YOU. You will learn to release the fears that keep you playing small every single day.

Did you know that by taking massive action you could march confidently into the vision of the future you see for yourself?

Yes, it's possible to have it all. Your family, your dreams, your success.

Are you ready to move forward on your journey?

Take my hand. I'll be your guide.

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Journey to Self Discovery Program and 1:1 Weekly sessions

With love,

signature RTC
self discovery

In the 6 modules of the Journey to Self-Discovery course you will be:

Module 1: Defining You

Learn how you currently define yourself, and what your life would look like if you released the way others define you.  You will start to check in with yourself, and call out the self-limiting beliefs that need to be released. Your mindset will be shifted in the aftermath of releasing all that is holding you back from the person you want to become.

Module 2: Redefining You

Start by choosing the new words that will make up your new identity. Define your end goal and map out your future.  You will take a long hard look at your fears for the future, and what's been keeping you stuck in your past. This is the beginning of your new identity and transformation.

Module 3: Goal Setting

Understand the fundamentals of goal setting, and set goals that will create the target markers for your transformation.  You will get clear on your "why" and the action steps needed to achieve your goals. Every step you take will be a page in your new chapter.

Module 4: Growth

Develop a growth mindset through identifying, challenging and changing your limiting beliefs.  The truth about you will be uncovered, and you will start to be able to hear your own voice above the noise. You will learn to manage your thoughts and feelings as your self-confidence starts to grow.

Module 5: Strengths

Learn to shift your focus from your flaws to your strengths, and create daily affirmations that will be useful during your transformation and into the future.  Your voice will become clearer as you begin to speak your truth out loud. You will learn to see your failures as part of your path to success!

Module 6: Action

Your transformation is getting closer as you create a strategy for success, and quiet your inner imposter syndrome.  You will decide to take a leap of faith and make big, bold changes that move you forward on your journey.